Specialist Clinical Services
- Trans and Gender Diverse Health Services Statewide Specialist Trans and Gender Diverse Health Service (TGD Health Service) to provide gender affirming health care for people aged under 25.
- True Colours -Specialist Trans and Gender Diverse Health Service
- Gender Affirming Doctor List directory of NSW doctors currently providing hormonal care and support for trans and gender diverse people. Produced by ACON.
- T150, Sydney – HIV and sexual health service providing holistic care for the trans and gender diverse community. Located at The Albion Centre and staffed by peers, sexual health nurses and doctors.
- Speech Pathology at The Gender Centre, Sydney – Requires GP referral and Enhanced Primary Care Program. Free with Medicare card.
- Trans Health Care Sex Reassignment Surgery Directory, National directory.
- TransHub - comprehensive digital resource platform covering social, medical and legal aspects of gender affirmation for NSW community.
- Westmead Children’s Hospital, Westmead – Gender Clinic for young people, GP referral required.
- Maple Leaf House, John Hunter Children's Hospital, Newcastle – Specialists in gender diversity in children & adolescents, GP referral required.