NSW Health specialised units within LHD that develop, support and provide strategic direction to local HIV, HCV, sexual health and harm minimisation projects and coordinate HIV and sexual health health promotion projects.
South Eastern LHD: Priyadi Prihaswan Ph: 9382 8128
Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD: Jennifer Farinella Ph: 4254 2762
Sydney LHD: Brooke Daily Ph:9515 1291
Western Sydney: Jeffrey Dabbhadatta 9843 3144
South West Sydney LHD: Mahee Haque: Ph: 8738 5870
Nepean Blue Mountains LHD: Bronwyn Leece Ph: 4734 3998
North Sydney LHD: Anne Lunnon 9462 9500
Central Coast LHD: Amanda Burfitt Ph: 4320 3337
SNSW LHD, Albury Wodonga LHD and Murrumbidgee LHD: Kevin Schamburg Ph (02) 6124 9944
HNE LHD: Meghan McDonald Ph: (02) 6515 1858
FW LHD: Jo Lenton Ph: 8080 1556
WNSW LHD: Kim Grant Ph: (02) 6330 5935
N LHD and mid NC LHD:Franklin John Leader Ph: (02) 6620 2980